Sometimes I find myself believing that the more training, education, qualifications that I pursue the more God can use me. This is really only half true. I remember hearing a friend quote something like this a number of years ago..."God doesn't call the equipped. He equips the called." We find this concept true throughout scripture.
The disciples were noted in Acts as being unschooled men and yet they were able to teach with such wisdom that it simple amazed all of those who heard them (Acts 4:13). Consistently throughout the new testament the Lord chose to use those who came from humble backgrounds. Moses was afraid of public speaking (Exodus 4:10), Gideon was found hiding in the wine press and asked the Lord how he could possibly be the mighty warrior needed to lead Israel (Judges 6), Solomon started his reign as king with such a humble view of himself (1 Kings 3:7), Paul called himself the chief of sinners (1 Timothy 1:15). And the list could go on and on!
Personally, I have put a lot of emphasis on my own education and training. At times I lean on these qualifications in pride. But if we think back to the disciples, the thing that qualified them more than anything else to speak and teach was the time they spent with Jesus himself. That time was a true gift of grace from Him. Nothing can prepare you for life better than time spent soaking up God's grace!
In conclusion, and just to be very clear, education and training is a very good thing! But we should remember that it is not the ULTIMATE thing! Lets not trade worship of the Creator God for worship of a created thing (Romans 1:25). Sometimes, I don't need to read another book or attend another seminar to teach me how to be a better wife and mom. I just need more time with Jesus so that he can carry on the good work he started when he began to change my life, heart, mind (Philippians 1:6). Sometimes, I don't even need another bible study to gain more understanding or knowledge. I just need more practicing living out the knowledge and understanding that he has already given to me. Sometimes, I don't need another degree to be a better servant in His church. I just need to step out in faith and serve trusting him to take care of the rest.
God doesn't call the equipped. He equips the called. And he is faithful to meet all of our needs out of his immeasurable grace!
2 Corinthians 9:8 "And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all
sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good
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