In Her Words
Since Sean takes every opportunity to be modest and humble, I (Emily, his wife) have decided to write this little diddy with the explicit purpose of brag on his every strength, lol. Currently Sean is working as an assistant youth pastor at Covenant Presbyterian Church aka The Barn. He also works in the wee hours of the morning and late hours of the night providing coffee to the caffeine deprived and addicted people of Simsbury at Starbucks. He has become an outstanding leader in our family and has resolved to take seriously the responsibility he has to disciple our three kids, lead our family closer to the Lord, and serve the students that we have grown to love in our community. He loves God's word and is daily seeking to understand it better and figure out how to live by it 24/7. In youth ministry he seeks to pass on his love for God, His Word, and His commands especially the command to Love God and Love others. And I love him. :)
In His Words
Thank you for checking out our family blog. I appreciate you taking the time to see how God is working in our family and what he is teaching us! I would like to start out by stating the reason for this blog, as well as all other descisions in our lives is... Jesus. more to com...