Many of our friends have tried to come up with a good spin on Valentine's Day for their whole families to celebrate. This year we are trying one of our own!
We decided to think of Valentine's Day this year as an opportunity to encourage the ones we love by thanking God and them for the example of Godly character that they live out each day. We thank God and Pops for his example of service and leadership. He is very committed to his job because he knows that it is a way that God has called him to serve our family by providing financially for us. He is equally committed to spending time reading the Bible with us and practicing Bible memory verses with us. We thank God and Meme for her generosity. She loves to give us special treats and take us out to eat. We thank God and Nana and Poppy for investing time in us. They love to read to us and play with us at their house. We thank God and Abby for her hospitality because she lets us play with her in her room. We are thankful for many other special people in our lives. God has really and truly blessed us.
Happy Valentine's day to all our loved ones!
The Martins thank God and the Carrolls for the blessing of friendship. We are so grateful for you all for so many reasons. You are such an encouragement to us.